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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Why you wanna be a soldier?!

We see them everyday on the promenade walking to class...18-21 year olds in uniform. Choosing a different route than we chose. It makes you wonder, why? Aren't you afraid? Do you have to go to Iraq? I never understood and I'm pretty sure none of you have either. I got the chance to have a chat with Morehouse student Reginald Brown (NAVY man) & Clark Atlanta student Isiah Paschal (ARMY man) to ask the questions we've all been dying to know.

Hello Gentlemen how are y'all doing?

Isiah: I'm am doing fine.

Reggie: I'm doing pretty well enjoying some time off before we get into Maine Week. We're in Norfolk, VA doing some training this month.

Good. So what's it like being a Army & Navy man? What makes it better to each of you?

Isiah: Being an army man is a challenge with great responsibilities, you have to always carry yourself with pride because many men and women died doing this same job. What I believe makes a army man better is because we look at life in a different light. What they teach us is that we serve the United States, we do a job that many are scared to do.

Reggie: It's cool...get's difficult at times but with the right mentality and some enthusiasm it can actually be pretty enjoyable. It's one of those things like you get from it what you put into it. I think what makes a Navy man better is the fact that we're apart of a branch that requires you to be motivated, squared away and about your business. Not only are we required to be in good physical shape. We also have certain requirements academically. Our motto "Stand the test, join the best" is something we take to heart. You have to, or you won't make it through this program.

Is it hard being in college and being in the service? What extra things do you have to do?

Isiah: I have more to deal with but it's not hard if you set your priorities correct, you have more business to handle. The extra things I have to do is once a month I leave for drill and while in school I have to take a class and a lab once a week. I have to keep physically fit because personal fitness is huge in the army.

Reggie: Honestly, it does get hard sometime because we have to be on top of our book work and our obligations for the Navy. We have certain obligations academically with the Navy. We're required to take a certain amount of attempted credit hours each semester and maintain a GPA of 2.5 or better. And the Navy isn't too fond of GPA's sitting on the border line. In addition to that we have to take certain courses pertaining to our naval training each semester and we go away for a month each summer for training. We also are required to go to mandatory PT(physical training) and drill.

But they pay for your school right? What are the bonuses you get?

Isiah: Yes, I can attend any school in the country for free and they also pay me to go to school. they want me to focus on finishing school so they make life easier.

Reggie: Yes, they do pay for school, and we also receive a monthly stipend that varies by your rank in the program.

So are you scheduled to leave anytime soon?

Isiah: I will not be getting deployed anytime soon so for right I just have my monthly drills to go to.

Reggie: I'm actually in VA right now for summer training. I left for VA May 27th and I'll be back on June 26th. During this month, we're just learning more about the Navy and career opportunities. Every summer, each Midshipman from all the Navy ROTC programs around the country go away for training if they meet all the qualification requirements. And will be doing so every summer until you graduate and get commissioned as a naval officer.

What would you want people to know about the ARMY/NAVY that they probably don't know?

Isiah: Support is huge for a soldier, our loved ones are our biggest motivation and when we are away the support is what helps us make it through. Never judge a soldier, we are still human with fears, dreams and goals.

Reggie: I would like people to know the navy is full of opportunities. Especially if you do the officer training program while you're trying to obtain your bachelors degree. You can graduate college knowing you have a guaranteed job right after that. You will also have yourself and your families health care paid for by the government. If one chooses to get out of the Navy you can leave with a nice addition to your resume. The Navy is a promising career choice if you have what it takes to see it through.

-Kweendom KritiK STAFF

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